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Lodge Officers
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Congratulations to the Newly elected Officers of Groesbeck # 354
Welcome to our incoming WM, William (Bill) Byrd!
Congratulations to Brother Tom Levi! Today he received the highest award a lodge can give.
He was presented the Coveted Golden Trowel Award by his fellow brethren of Groesbeck #354.
Tom Levi has been DDGM, for District #22, and Past Master of Groesbeck Lodge, among other titles and memberships, such as Tranquility Lodge 2000.
During his tenure as WM, he oversaw remodeling of the inside of the Lodge, and started theFt. Parker outdoor degree among many things.
He is what masonry is all about.
Thank you for your service to Masonry and to the lodge Brother Levi!

Mailing Address
Groesbeck Masonic Lodge P.O. Box 562 Groesbeck, TX 76642
Bill Byrd , WM
(832) 435-2888
James W. (Bill) Oates, Secretary
(254) 230-8419
Groesbeck Lodge #354 History
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In March 1835 the first Masonic meeting was held in Texas for the purpose of establishing
a lodge inTexas. Six Masons met under an oak tree near the town of Brazoria. They
applied to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana to form and open a lodge. A dispensation was
issued and later a charter was issued. The first Texas Lodge was called Holland Lodge
No.36. It was named after the then Master of Masons in Louisiana, John Henry Holland.
Anson Jones was the first Worshipful Master of Holland Lodge No. 36, now Holland
Lodge No. 1. The charter was brought by John M. Allen and given to Anson Jones just
prior to the Battle of San Jacinto. When Limestone County was organized in 1846, there
was no Masonic Lodge in Groesbeck. In June, 1872, twenty-five Masons signed a
petition seeking dispensation for a lodge in Groesbeck. On June 14, 1872, while the
Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas was in session in Houston, Texas, the Most Worshipful
Samuel Bramlette, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas signed the Charter of the
Groesbeck Masonic Lodge #354. The twenty-five charter members were set to labor on
July 10, 1872, by Brother A.B. Pickens, a member of Springfield Lodge #74 in Mexia. The
charter officers were J.J. Lewis, Worshipful Master; J.W. Ferrill, Senior Warden, J.C.
Welch; Junior Warden, A. Anglin, Treasurer; A.B. Robinson, Secretary; J.C.Anglin, Senior
Deacon; William Wilson, Jr. Deacon.
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Groesbeck Lodge #354
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Groesbeck Masonic Lodge #354
Located in Limestone County Texas
308 W. Navasota Groesbeck, TX 76642
Driving Directions: Hwy 14 to downtown. If going south
take right atlight onto Navasota, Lodge is on left.
If going north take left at light on to Navasota,
Lodge is on left.
Congratulations to our newly elected and appointed officers of Groesbeck #354!
We look forward to a great year!
Chartered Since 1872
Stated Meetings on the 1st Monday
6:00 meal, 7:00 meeting
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